When I think of peoples reactions to oatmeal I think of one of two things 1. Yaaaaaaaaas or 2. Nooo thank you. Whether that being from the deliciously sweet meal itself or some funny and traumatic childhood memory, I am here to tell you why I LOVE it and to show you a fast and delicious way of preparing it. 
     Since going vegan, I have been infatuated with the idea 'you are what you eat'. Now, since coming from a past of eating disorders, having that mindset can be slightly scary and intimidating. Because I had such a bad relationship with food, the idea of putting pretty much anything in my body (especially carbs) was something I had a really hard time accepting. Now, being vegan for almost seven months, I have been able to understand that food is energy and if you are eating beautiful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. your body WILL thank you for it. 
     Oatmeal was always something I didn't necessarily not enjoy eating, but I always would opt for a more savory (and crunchy) breakfast. But after hearing about some of the health benefits of the sweet mushy meal, I knew I wanted to make room for it in my diet - and my belly. The nutritional facts and benefits of oatmeal itself is long, but I am here to summarize. 1. Full of complex carbohydrates (great for energy levels) 2. Vegan source of protein (for all you protein crazies out there, great for muscles when ingested prior to a workout) 3. Appetite suppressor (full of soluble fiber that keeps you fuller for longer) 4. Calcium and potassium (helps reduce blood pressure) 5. Low glycemic index (great for preventing diabetes). 
     Despite having all these health benefits, I still find that not many people are implementing oatmeal in their diets. Maybe it's the task of making it? Maybe it's the texture? Nevertheless, I've put together an extremely fast and delicious recipe for my favorite way of combining fruits and oats so that you all can start enjoying this nutritional treat. Lets get started! 

- 1 Cup Oats (I used extra thick rolled oats)
- 2 Cup(s) Non-Dairy Milk (I used almond but soy, oat, rice works as well)
- 1 Apple
- 2 Cup(s) Water
- 1 Tablespoon sweetener of choice (I used agave but maple syrup could work as well)
- 1 Teaspoon Coconut Sugar (Can be found in most grocery stores in the baking section)
- 1/2 Tablespoon Cinnamon (Adjust to preference) 
- 2 Saucepans (One for oatmeal and one for apples)
- Desired toppings (I used blueberries but also would've loved some bananas)

1. Begin by prepping all your ingredients (chopping the apple and measuring out dry and wet ingredients), this ensures you can cook efficiently.
2. Pour the oatmeal and milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
3. Once boiling, reduce heat and let simmer (stirring occasionally) until desired consistency. 
4. In another sauce pan, place in the chopped apple and water, and cook until desired tenderness. 
5. Drain apple, then place back in saucepan along with cinnamon and sugar.
6. Cook until apples take on slight golden color.
7. Add apples and agave into oatmeal and stir.
8. Place in bowl, add toppings, and ENJOY!

Let me know if you guys make this recipe and if you add your own touch to it. Have a great rest of the week everyone! 
